Deep Change

“My first 8-weeks of coaching showed me new ways of thinking about and acting on what I used to call goals, and now call results. But as I stretched for larger results, I needed support. Bruce’s follow-up programs helped me groove in skills, deal with setbacks—and persist until I think I could create almost any result I imagine.”
Sandra Cortez, Seattle, WA
Coaching For Mastery, Confidence and Results
Learning is cumulative.
The first 80 percent of time and effort only generates 20 percent of your results.
The last 20 percent will generate 80 percent of your results.
That last rush of results happens on the steep part of the learning curve, following the 80/20 rule. Being on the steep part of the curve is where results come quick and easy.

It takes 20 — 24 weeks to create a new habit.
Clients who produce the best results work with me — and practice — for 16 – 24 weeks.
This may seem excessive.
But any skill-based activity—skiing, playing cello, dancing tango…—all take time to develop reasonable fluency in.
Some folks appreciate my help during that time. Others use my framework to coach themselves.
Others do a bit of both

“I look forward to monthly check-ins with Bruce. Having him to bounce ideas and questions off is invaluable to me. In between, if I have a question, I can count on a quick email reply. Worth every penny!”
M. Cicero, Engineer/Entrepreneur, Vancouver, BC
- Continued practice to make life design skills and framework a “go to” habit, as you stretch for larger, more complex results.
- Uncovering patterns and structures that work for you, and against you. Doing the right thing in the wrong structure wastes energy and can be very frustrating. See Structure Rules!
- A deeper analysis of your self-talk to help you change self-defeating stories and beliefs—about you, others, and the world—to self-supporting stories.
Deep Change is less structured than Basic Coaching. Clients usually complete 8-sessions in 12 to 16 weeks.
“I’m so happy I went through the deep change process with you. It was illuminating and empowering to recognize structures that kept me flipping back and forth, instead of moving forward. Now, working in the life design structure you taught me, I do more with less effort and expense. I’ll call on you, if I need additional help.”
F. B. Johnson, Victoria, BC

Many clients find their personal coach’s greatest value lies in maintaining support over time, until they develop “technique to burn.”
Technique to burn is a high-performance, improvisational musician’s term.
It means developing and mastering your skills, until you have the capacity to apply them with ease, in almost any challenging situation or circumstance.
When you have technique to burn, you can improvise. You can experiment, invent, and create results without excessive deliberation or hesitation.
At this level, intuition and rational thought work together to generate outstanding results. Creating becomes your primary structure for producing results.
“I never thought I’d be working with a personal success coach for nearly a year. However, it has been the best investment in my self and my business I ever made. My vision of what’s possible is continually expanding, and my capacity to create what I envision is beyond what I ever thought I could do. Thank you!”
E.S. Taylor, Business Owner, Calgary AB
“Forever indebted to you for introducing me to The Creating Process 20 yrs + ago. You helped me “create a life that matters most & live it!” I continue to create success both professionally & personally that makes me feel grateful & blessed everyday! You continue to inspire, Coach!”
Linda Emblem, Consultant; Yoga Teacher, Burlington, ON