How Do I Manage My Moods and Create What Matters?
“Reading Emotional Mastery (and The ABCs of EM) helped me get my life back. I got past self-doubt, became more realistically optimistic and created the work and relationship I so deeply wanted.”
Randy Witherspoon, Seattle, WA
Do You Sometimes

- Feel down or depressed? Stressed, uptight and anxious?
- Fatigued? Too tired to take care of what matters to you?
- Like life feels too hard” Too confusing? Even overwhelming?
- Ever feel helpless or hopeless in the face of circumstances and adversity?
- Do you lack the energy and resilience to focus, perform well and create results that matter ?
- Do negative moods get in the way of you creating what you most want in life, work and relationships?
If so, my ebook, The ABCs of Emotional Mastery, might help you manage your moods, create the results you long for, and feel free, happy and relaxed.*
“Before I read Emotional Mastery, I blamed myself and others for my bad feelings . But this ebook and the exercises it provides helped me change how I think and feel about almost everything. I’m much better able to focus now, and to create results I care about. I feel more resilient and confident now.”
Suzan S., Mother/Volunteer/Housewife, Victoria, BC
“Before I read Emotional Mastery, I blamed myself and others for my bad feelings . But this ebook and the exercises it provides helped me change how I think and feel about almost everything. I’m much better able to focus now, and to create results I care about. I feel more resilient and confident now.”
Suzan S., Mother/Volunteer/Housewife, Victoria, BC
Change Your Stories; Change Your Life
People mistakenly blame what happens to them – problems, circumstances, adversity – for negative moods and ineffective action. But, as Aldous Huxley said: “Experience is not what happens to you; it is what you do with what happens.”
We self-create negative feelings and moods by the way we explain what happens to us. When we change our explanations and stories, we change our feelings, actions, and results.
“Using the insights and exercises in Emotional Mastery helped me change my mood from dark and miserable to relaxed and mostly happy. It’s a great book for understanding the cause of depression and anxiety and for overcoming depression!”
Helen Astikkosh, HR Consultant, Vancouver, BC

Emotional mastery and intelligence are not just problem solving tools.
They help you shift from pessimism to realistic optimism, from anxiety to useful caution, and from feeling depressed to feeling good. They are essential parts of the Life Design Toolkit with which you can create the kind and quality of lives, work, and relationships you long for. I know this because I used these tools to overcome serious anxiety/depression, and pull myself out of the pit of despair. And seen clients do the same.
“I keep a printed-out copy of Emotional Mastery in my desk and another beside my bed. If I start to feel down or anxious, I pull it out, read a tagged page or two, maybe do an exercise and, in minutes, I’m feeling okay again.”
D. W. Leslie, Environmental Lawyer, Calgary, AB
Free Ebook

To get a free digital copy of Emotional Mastery, contact Bruce Elkin. This ebook is available for free, and without signing up.
* If you feel so down or upset you can’t cope, and it’s been that way for weeks or more, contact your priest/minister, school counsellor, family doctor, woman’s support centre, or call your local crisis line.
** If you feel suicidal, call 911, or the emergency number in your area. Or a local “suicide hotline.”