The Structure of Success
People don’t fail because they lack talent or motivation. They fail because they lack a framework in which to integrate skill, will and resources.
People don’t fail because they lack talent or motivation. They fail because they lack a framework in which to integrate skill, will and resources.
What Is The Life Design Framework? Life Design is a vision-driven, reality-grounded organizing structure for creating outstanding results, with whatever you have to start with You go through life taking the path of least resistance…The underlying structure of your life determines the path of least resistance…You can learn to recognize the structures in play in…
There are 3 types of people: Victims, Survivors, Thrivers. Only Thrivers create real and lasting results with ease. I help people become Thrivers.
In my Life Design Coaching practice, I work with clients who want to create results that truly matter to them, but, so far, have not been successful in doing so. Many, if not most, are stuck because they confuse the relationship between process and results. Journey or destination? My approach embraces both journey and destination. …
Simple living and minimalism create freedom to do what matters. Buying uneeded, new stuff can erode that freedom. Best to make do with what works.
The verb “to be”—It is. I am. You are.—is judgmental. Absolute. It can make your thinking absolute, and get in the way of creating the success you long for.
Adding “yet” to “I can’t do it” changes the statement from an absolute judgment—an action stopper—to a hopeful statement, and more effective action.
A personal story about how I learned to overcome bad moods, and take action even when I felt bad. That increased my resilience and led to successful results.
Old wisdom and new research show that deliberate, structured practice is key to creating results. Plus coaching in how to learn and grow from experience.
Many people’s go-to habit is to react to urgent but not important stimuli. Others acknowledge the stimulus, and rise above it to create results that matter.
Are you satisfied with your capacity to create results in spite of change and adversity? Or just struggling to keep up? Are you seeking but not finding that elusive “life-work balance?” Would you like to integrate life, work, relationships in a way that creates simplicity and success? “Bruce Elkin has an exceptional ability to teach the creative process and…
To create a rich, simple life, it is best to see declutter and minimize as actions within a framework that supports what you most want to create.