Top Four Techniques For Coping With Covid

Becoming Resilient In Challenging Times
We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust our sails.
—Cora L. V. Hatch, 1859
Resilient people rise above adversity. They bend with the storm, rebound from setbacks, recover quickly from difficult conditions. They see failure as feedback—a learning experience, and use it to chart a new course toward their goal—independent of circumstances and obstacles.
When Life Gets Too Hard
In the midst of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer.
— Albert Camus
Many folks find today’s world a complex, complicated, and confusing challenge. Strange weather and climate. Strange politics. Disruptive technology. Things are changing faster than people can cope. Impossible to navigate successfully. Many cannot take charge of their goals and …
The Black Dog of Depression
When you’re depressed you don’t control your thoughts, your thoughts control you. I wish people understood that.
— Sherry Amatenstein
Seven Ways To Prevent Or Deal With Depression. This is the time of year in the northern hemisphere when depression is on the rise. For two reasons: The diminishing light brings on the symptoms of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), and Holiday times are coming and many people find themselves sad, down, lonely and hurting at …
Positive Emotions, Key To A Flourishing Life?
Flourishing encompasses both feeling satisfied with your life and also functioning well in it. The way psychologists assess the second part is whether people feel as if they are learning, growing, and making contributions to society.
— Barbara Frederickson