Structural Coaching For Writers

A red ballpoint pen sits atop a page of writing that has editing marks on it

Make Your Writing Structurally Sound

Often, a manuscript will have all the parts and pieces, but they’re not organized for clarity, flow and impact. It’s more of a heap than a whole.

A writing coach can help you change that heap into a whole.

Working in my Life Design organizing framework can help you clarify writing goals, develop material, enhance structure, and complete story, essay and book manuscripts that are agent and editor ready.

A Rare Kind Of Insight

Writer, Sarah Pollard, stands in front of a wall of ivy. She has long blondish red hair and wears a long, ivory shirt with a narrow black tie. She's smiling.
Writer, Communications Strategist

“As a freelance writer, it’s often tricky to find a trusted resource to provide informed critique of a work-in-progress. For a recent literary project, I relied on Bruce as a sounding board when it came to creative strategy (helping me to stay on track) and narrative review. His feedback was direct, always with the health of the project in mind and a knack for challenging the contours of what it might be. A rare kind of insight from a writer/editor who has been there and who understands all that is at stake.”

Sarah Pollard, Writer and Communications Strategist

Thoughtful And Gracious Help

Head shot of author Stephen Legault, against a blurry green forest background
Stephen Legault, Author, Photographer

“Recently I was working on a non-fiction book called Running Toward Stillness. It is a deeply personal account of depression, life changes, and recovery, and I was looking for people I could trust who would provide feedback. By his comments, it was clear that Bruce not only read the work cover to cover, but spent a great deal of time composing his thoughtful and gracious reply. He provided help on two levels: first, conceptually he was able to provide specific feedback on how to better structure the book and its contents. Second, he was able to point out where certain passages and chapters needed to be strengthened. Bruce’s feedback almost certainly made the book a stronger work of non-fiction. I’m grateful for his mentorship and editing skills.”

 Stephen Legault, Author: Running Toward Stillness and three Mystery Series

Sympathetic, Honest Coaching

Starting where you are, and respecting where you want to go, I can help you make your work structurally sound. I’m not heavy-handed. I don’t tell you what to do. 

My job is to honour your work and help you make it match your vision of the finished piece.

Bio photo of Ken Wylie, standing at the base of a rock climb, a small lake below him

“Bruce helped me with my manuscript in important ways. He understood the essence of the MS and gave me feedback simpatico with what the work already was. Through this process he was able to deepen the beauty of the book by nurturing what it needed rather than what he “Thought” it needed. I think this is the foundational element of a good coach. 

“Bruce has a gift when it comes to coaching, but as a writing coach he is inspired.”

Ken Wylie, Author of BURIED
Bruce Elkin

Life Design Coach. Personal Life Coach. 25 years experience. Clients on 6 continents. Author of 5 books and ebooks. Cares about the Earth and living in harmony with its natural systems.