Why Do Some Succeed, While Others Fail?

Close up of a bald eagle soaring in a cloudless blue sky. Thriving!

Most people do not fail for lack of ideas, skills, time, resources or motivation

They fail because they lack an organizing framework in which to arrange skill, will, and resources into actions that consistently lead to results.

Most people are not overwhelmed and stressed because they have too much on their mind. They are stressed because they fail to prioritize, organize and act on the most important things on their mind.

In the Life Design Framework, overwhelm, mistakes, even failure become simply feedback that you can learn from, make changes, and move forward to results.

Your life design framework got me past my problem-driven reflex. I changed focus. I simplified and reorganized my life and work. And created real success in both—sans stress or tears!

Serenity T., Victoria, BC

From Problem Solving To Creating Important Results

In the Life Design Organizing Framework, you acknowledge problems and issues—but don’t let them drive the action. Clear, compelling visions of desired results drive your action

This approach empowers you to accept what life throws at you, focus on what you’d love to create, and bring it into being, simply, effectively, and, mostly, enjoyably—starting with whatever you have to work with.

Instead of feeling overwhelmed by complexity, Life Design helps you create the simple, rich, lasting success on the other side of complexity. (See below)

“Other coaching programs I explored were more like counselling. We focused on problems but never got around to consider the future I wanted. With you, we got right to it. I learned new skills. I gained confidence. I reached for more outrageous (for me) results. Coaching was worth every penny. Thank you!”

G.H. Saltz, Calgary, AB

Creating The Simplicity On The Other Side Of Complexity

How Did The Lawyer’s Life Turn Out?

By using the Life Design Framework, the lawyer in the video gradually reduced her time at the law firm. At the same time, she worked on developing an adventure/challenge program to hels women-in-need build personal competence and authentic confidence.

When the program was up and running, she quit law and focused full-time on her women’s challenge program. It has been very successful!

“Bruce’s understanding of what it takes to break free from old patterns and move forward surpasses other “coaches” I’ve had. His simple yet practical recipe for both simplicity and success motivates me daily and keeps me on track.”

Lisa Cherry, Writer, Filmmaker, Toronto, ON
Bruce Elkin

Life Design Coach. Personal Life Coach. 25 years experience. Clients on 6 continents. Author of 5 books and ebooks. Cares about the Earth and living in harmony with its natural systems.